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Personal engagement with a 12 Step Solution based group
Residents must attend a minimum of three A.A., N.A., C.A. or any other 12 Step Based Solution Fellowship weekly. Open Speaker Meetings, Big Book Step Study, Closed Discussion are all encouraged formats.
Residents are encouraged to seek other forms of Recovery Self Help Groups such as S.M.A.R.T Recovery, Refuge Recovery, Private Therapy and Intensive Outpatient Groups. However these will not count towards the Resident's three meeting a week obligation.
Within 1 week of admission new intakes are required to find a Sponsor in a 12 Step Fellowship to help guide and mentor them through the process.
New Residents will be given ample opportunity and exposure to possible candidate's, both male and female to act as Sponsors or Temporary Sponsors while the Resident searches for a permanent one .
Within 2 weeks New Intakes are required to become an official member of a 12 Step Fellowship Home Group and hold a Service Position in that group. Service Positions help hold residents accou
Whether the Resident is greeting newcomers, handing out chips to celebrate lengths of sobriety, making coffee or simply help set up and put away chairs before and after meetings.
There is a job suitable for each and every Resident at Brady's Place that meets them where they are at in their Recovery.
Actively Practicing the 12 Steps of Alcoholic's Anonymous
Residents are encouraged to emphasize the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous in all areas of their lives and to strive to be living testament that the Program and Brady's Place work.
Residents who have completed their 4th and 5th Step must continue to live the Steps by living them. Steps 10, 11 and 12 should be practiced by all Residents daily.
Through Prayer and Mediation, Taking a Daily Inventory of ones Character Defects and Continuing to Carry the Message of Alcohlics Anonymous in ALL our
All Residents are required to fearlessly and thoroughly complete a 4th Step Moral Inventory.
Until the Resident has successfully completed their 4th and 5th Step as laid out in the Big Book (Basic Text) of Alcoholic's Anonymous they must attend a communal reading a writing group.
Reading and Writing Groups are lead by one of the House Managers or self led. Groups take place Sunday through Thursday 9:00-10:00 PM
Topics include Big Book Step Study, 4th Step Inventory writing, 10th Step Daily Inventory, Meditation and sharing of Residents personal examples of Experience, Strength and Hope
Workforce and Community Reintigration
Residents are required to find gainful employment within two weeks of their admission to Brady's Place. If a Resident is struggling to find work they may ask their fellow housemates or House Managers for guidance.
Residents who are attending a Partial Hospitalization Program, Intensive Outpatient Program, Job or Career Vocational Training, or other community based Rehabilitation Progrmssuch as One Life at A Time are exempt from working while they are actively enrolled and attending said progra
Residents are required to pay their Residency Fees by no later 7:00 PM on Friday to the House Manager or Assistant House Manager.
If for whatever reason a Resident is unable to pay their Residency Fee's by this time they are to notify a House Manager immediately and figure out a timely solution for repayment or risk discharge.
Residents who are delinquent on Residency Fees may not take overnight passes.
Residents who are on disability, physically or mentally handicapped, retired or cant work for any other documented reason are required to actively participate in their Recovery and Community by volunteering for a minimum of 20 hours of community service a week.
Become and Active Member of a Thriving Recovery Based Home
Residents are encouraged to engage with one another and share their own unique experience to help their fellow housemates. Whether lending an ear when a housemate is having a family crisis or helping a New Resident move in at Brady's Place we believe every person has something of value.
It is only by giving away that we can keep what is most precious, our sobriety. One day at a time we encourage our clients to think about what others can do for them but what they can do for their fellow man.
Each Monday at 6:00 PM there is a House Meeting run by one of the two Managers on duty. Groups last approximately 30 minutes and cover specific house comments and concerns, chore list allocation, community messages, random urinalysis and notice for upcoming events.
Prior to the meeting Residents will be given sheets with a variety of questions regarding their week in regards to the 12 Steps, Recovery, personal struggles and goals for the upcoming week to be filled out and shared with the group.
Every Monday House Meeting every Resident will be assigned a chore for the following week to be completed no later than 9 AM.
Failure to complete a chore for the day will result in a one day Restriction where clients will be barred from leaving the house for any other reason than work or 12 Step Meetings and cannot take overnight passes. This is not to punish the resident but to help hold themselves accountable in the future. A skill they will need in the future to achieve long term Sobriety.
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. - A.A. Basic Text
Alcoholics Anonymous Preamble
Introduction to the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous as they are laid out in the Big Book
“If you are looking for some awesome, knowledgeable people, these are the people I highly recommend. Their friendliness and result-driven approach is what I love about them."
“I didn’t know what to do about my addiction issues. I found that this home was just what I looking for. They are friendly, professional, and they really care.”
“If you are looking for some compassionate, caring people, this is them, team I highly recommend almost daily. Their patience and professionalism helped save my life"
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- All Rights Reserved.
Start or continue on your path to a better life at Brady's Place. Call (207) 245-4312 to schedule an intake today!